Calling a Tow Truck Service 101

Tips & Tricks for Your First Time Calling a Tow Truck Service Learning the essentials of calling a tow truck service should be taught in every driving course. Unfortunately, it is not something that we think to teach new drivers. Regardless of how great a driver you are, odds are you will need to call […]
Tow Truck Company Moves 20 Foot Container

Experience Shines Through in Tow Truck Company’s Container Move An auto body mechanic was in need of a tow truck company to move his equipment last week. The mechanic already had his own 20 foot storage container packed to the brim with various tools and equipment and was moving it from his old shop to […]
Catfish Helps a Woman Who Needs a Tow

Catfish Starts a Cadillac That Needs a Tow On a warm summer night in July, the Universal Towing team got a phone call from a woman in desperate need of a tow. The client was making her way home after work and stopped for some groceries. When she got back to her car, it just […]
Old Boat Will Need a Tow

Decay Means Boat – Will Need a Tow A number of items needed a tow. Mold and decayed formed on the boat at the Universal Towing last week. It was time to clean the place out. We moved this old boat, some old trailers and even a few old fifth wheels that were sitting around. […]
1 Shed Gets Tow Truck Service

Our Flatbed Picks up Shed in Tow Truck Service Sometimes it pays to use a tow truck service instead of tearing a building down. Last week Universal Tow Truck Service was hired to move a shed from one site to another. We think its important for people to understand that a tow truck […]
New Beach Tow Truck

Awesome New Beach Tow Truck Universal Towing is proud of our fantastic new beach towing truck. This baby is built for soft spongy beaches, wet everglades and any other difficult and soft piece of land. Let us know what you think of our new beach tow truck. We love this vehicle. Also, we wanted to […]
3 Cars Need New Smyrna Beach Towing Services

New Smryna Beach Towing Services on Pioneer Trail Road An accident left three cars in bad shape and required New Smyrna Beach Towing Services. The incident occured on Pioneer Trail Road. We got the call to head out took two flatbeds and a medium duty wrecker. When we arrived, the sedan was no longer there. […]
Classic Car Tow of Antique Truck

Beautiful GMC Truck Receives Classic Car Tow We wanted to share a classic car tow on this old GMC truck that occurred last week. They were just looking to move it for a bit of repair work. We moved her from Holly Hill to the shop in Daytona you see in the picture. We just […]
Dodge Challenger Needs Towing Services

Universal Towing Services Pull Dodge Challenger Out of Retention Pond Fast cars are all fun and games — until you end up in a ditch in need of towing services that is! One young woman found herself in just that predicament recently. Luckily, Universal Towing came to the rescue on December 26, 2019, and put […]