542 LPGA Blvd, Holly Hill, FL 32117 830 Commonwealth Blvd C, Port Orange, FL 32127

3 Cars Need New Smyrna Beach Towing Services

New Smryna Beach Towing Services on Pioneer Trail Road

An accident left three cars in bad shape and required New Smyrna Beach Towing Services.  The incident occured on Pioneer Trail Road. We got the call to head out took two flatbeds and a medium duty wrecker. When we arrived, the sedan was no longer there.  We then set out a plan to deal with the SUV and Dodge Truck. First, the team winched out the SUV. Then they winched out the Dodge Truck.  

We did the whole job in just around an hour. Great job to the team.  Doing this work without incident is a pretty big deal. Just wanted to let the guys know that we appreciate their hard work last night.


New Smyrna Beach Towing Services in action before sedan is winched out
New Smyrna Beach Towing Services in action before sedan is winched out
Dodge Truck Before New Smyrna Beach Towing Services Team from Universal Towing Does its Thing
Dodge Truck Before New Smyrna Beach Towing Services Team from Universal Towing Does its Thing

Details of New Smyrna Beach Towing Services

A call arrived for New Smyrna Beach Towing Services. It was reported that three vehicles were involved in a an accident on Pioneer Trail Road.  The same report also listed that there was a sedan, a workmans truck and an SUV involved. Universal Towing sent out its New Smyrna Beach Towing Services Team. They arrived a short time later.  Our team only saw two vehicles as the third sedan had been taken away by another towing company. Universal Towing brought a medium duty heavy wrecker as well as two flatbeds. The New Smyrna Beach Towing Services saw that the the truck was in the ditch and needed to be winched out. We also saw that the the car was in a bad shape.  The SUV was in a ditch down the road. The New Smyrna Beach Towing Services Team first worked on the dodge truck. Our team brought the medium duty wrecker over. First, the New Smyrna Beach Towing Services unfastened the hitch, next they walked toward the SUV. They then attached the towing hook to the SUV. The New Smyrna Beach Towing Services slowly winched the SUV out of the ditch. Next, they moved the flatbed in front of the SUV. They unfastened its winch and attached it to the SUV. Next, the New Smyrna Beach Towing Services winched the SUV onto the flatbed. They then attached the front tires to the flatbed. They then attached the back tires to the flatbed with towing cables and towing straps. Next, the Dodge truck was dealt with by the New Smyrna Beach Beach Towing Services Team.  They attached the medium duty wrecker to the truck with a winch cable. Next, they winched the truck out of the ditch. They then positioned the second flatbed near the truck and winched it up. The tow truck team then attached the front tires and the back tires of the truck to the flatbed.

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