542 LPGA Blvd, Holly Hill, FL 32117 830 Commonwealth Blvd C, Port Orange, FL 32127

1 Shed Gets Tow Truck Service

Our Flatbed Picks up Shed in Tow Truck Service

Sometimes it pays to use a tow truck service instead of tearing a building down.   Last week Universal Tow Truck Service was hired to move a shed from one site to another.   We think its important for people to understand that a tow truck service can move many different kinds of properties that might not seem to be so moveable. 

We used a heavy wrecker to lift the shed. We used a one ton truck to keep the shed stable in the air and provide support and a trader to haul the shed away.  Thanks to Ken and his team for this great story.

Tow truck service using flatbed with shed
Tow truck service using flatbed with shed


Details of Tow Truck Service Moving Shed

A call came into the dispatcher at Universal Tow Truck Service. The call described a white shed that need to be moved in the Volusia County area from one property site to another property site. Universal Towing set out a heavy wrecker and large, flatbed trailer.  The tow truck service team assessed the situation. They walked around the building. They then pulled out supports off the flatbed. The tow truck service team also removed some jacks from the heavy wrecker. First, they jacked up one corner of the shed a few inches. Next, they jacked up a second corner of the shed. The tow truck service team then jacked up both sides inunison,n just high enough to run the long support under the shed.  They then attached towing straps to each end of the support and they pulled the towing cable taught from the heavy wrecker. They then move the jacksto the middle of the shed. The tow truck service team jacked up both sides at the same time. They then threaded the support just beneath the shed. The tow truck service team attached each side to the heavy wrecker boom. They then moved the jacks to the rear of the shed. The tow truck service team jacked up both corners of the shed. They then placed the last support under the shed. Then then attached towing straps to the support on both sides at the rear of the shed.   The tow truck service team winched up the shed one foot. They continued to winch the shed up higher. A third tow truck winched the shed to be inline with the trailer. The shed was positioned a few feet closer to the trailer. When it was finally in line they set the shed down slowly. It went down one foot. The tow truck service team lowered it two more feet until it hovered just over the trailer. They lowered it until it touched. The shed came to rest on the trailer. The tow truck service team took towing straps and fastened the shed in the front to the trailer. The tow truck service team then used another set of towing straps and fastened the shed to the trailer on the other side.


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